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How many times have you thought to yourself, “if only I could have got a chance to audition – I know I was perfect for that role?”  If the answer is “more times than I care to admit” then perhaps your current headshot is not doing its job for you.  You see, you headshot is rarely going to win you a role straight up.  What it should do though is get you in the door so that you can show how perfect you are for the role.  If your headshot is not opening doors for you, then perhaps its time to ask why.

If you’re serious about giving yourself the best chance to succeed in your career, you’ve no doubt put in countless hours (and money!) honing your skills, taking classes, learning, practicing and perfecting the talents you have.  Why then are so many actors happy to settle for rubbish headshots, taken in 5 or 10 minutes, in the same boring pose, and with the one same tacky backdrop that the photographer has used for every one of the hundreds of others who have come before you?

If you want to stand out from the crowd then you need photos which stand out from the crowd.  If you're an actor, your headshot may be one of hundreds that a Casting Agent might look at in a day.  When it's your photo flicking past their eye you need it to make them stop and take a second look.  You need your photos to grab their attention, in the same way that you hope your acting will.  

For the past 19 years, I’ve specialised in photographing people in all sorts of settings.  What I’ve learnt in that time is that no matter what the setting, or what the occasion, everyone has a story to tell.   My job is to take photos that help to tell your story.  Photos that go beyond being just a “nice picture” to actually say something about the person in them, to reveal a little of their character, a little of their emotion.  When I photograph you I’ll spend the time to give you headshots which go beyond the tired old standards to produce photos as fresh and unique as you are.  Photos which do more than show what you look like - they show who you are.  

You've put in the hard work to get to where you are, don't sell yourself short with average photos. 

If you want your headshots to work as hard as you do to get that role, then maybe we should talk...….

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